Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Weekly Photo Challenge: Infinite

I saw this particular challenge on another blog, and just had to go with it.  While you might have seen some of these pictures from my Camino before, others you might not have, but all of these speak of the infinite for me...

Sunset from my drive home one night.  
Sunsets seem to show all of God's glory as He uses the sky as his canvas.  It is one of my favorite things about living in the Southwest--I think we get the prettiest sunsets here!

"The Road goes ever on and on..."

I took this picture on the day before I contracted tendinitis as I was walking to Ledigos.  I can't imagine the time it took for pilgrims to pile these rocks on the Camino.  And yet, there is a feeling of timelessness that overtakes you on the Camino.  No, that isn't right...the road stretches out before you, and time becomes irrelevant as you think about putting one foot in front of the other.  You become a part of the line of pilgrims that stretch out through time, both before and after.

This is a door to the cemetery surrounding a little church on the way to Samos.  Sometimes, when I am not in a hurry, going through an open door evokes a scene in my head from Pinky and the Brain: 
Pinky: What are we doing tomorrow, Brain?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. (pregnant pause) Try to take over the world!
 Doors open up new and exciting possibilities!

I took this on my next to last day on the Camino at Monte de Gozo.  This particular Albergue has something like 900 beds, and this is just one of many dorms. I found my reflection in the glass door, as well as the light shining through my reflection from the door on the other side of the dorm very compelling.  And, that is what the Camino did for me: opened a door into my soul to shed light on what was found there.

If you want to join in, feel free to use the link below to add your own post on the weekly photo challenge!



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