Friday, June 24, 2016

Let the Biking Adventure Begin!

So, my feet dictated that I take several days off, so I hopped on a bus from Belorado to Burgos, and then spent 3 nights in Burgos. While there, I decided to rent a bicycle for the next stages of my Camino.  I have the Bike for 10 days, and have already done 2. I'm actually supposed to give my bike back in Astorga, but I may see of I can keep it all the way to Santiago. I haven't decided that yet.

I really need to get better at selfies.

One thing I noticed yesterday was that riding the bike felt a lot like the first day of Summer when I was a kid. There is a joy in the speed and the wind blowing in your face. I remember spending days on end exploring the neighborhoods in the area I was allowed to ride in (Solano to Triviz and Missouri to Lehman). And, I would ride as long as my mom would let me, even if it was incredibly hot outside. Sometimes, I'd take a lunch with me to eat in the park as well.

The Meseta is a lot of trail without any shade. 

Today, after riding about 34 km, my butt is pretty sore, and I suspect that it will take a few days to get used to riding every days. However, it is kind of nice to be done for the day after only 3ish hours.

"I like big butts and I cannot lie..."

The great mystery is how my Fitbit knows that I'm biking.  It is registering that I'm not walking, and that I find kind of eery. I'm also finding that I'm taking fewer pictures, but that is ok, too.

Each day is richer for having the ability to stop when I'm tired because all of my stuff is on my bike. Biking the rest of the way would be worth it just for that freedom, even if it means a few days where I'm pushing my bike more than I'm riding it.

I am truly blessed!

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